Nordic Connect Online Breaking Camp took place on 18-20 June 2021 and due to COVID — 19 pandemic and impossibility of bringing together nordic dancers for an offline event was organised online. The organisers, Call out Suomi, SADE and Finnish Breaking Association, managed to gather 20 participants from Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The age of participants was 17-29 years old. The content of the camp included breaking workshops from professional dancers from Russia, Finland and Sweden, physical training by the physical coaches of the Finnish National Team of breaking, injury prevention lecture, training by professional physiotherapists and a lecture of antirasism in dance culture by known Finnish educator and lecturer Sophia Wekesa. Despite of the format of the camp, the organisers received positive feedback from the camp participants, who also expressed the desire of participating in such camps in the near future. Participants believed that despite the online format the results of the camp were very much needed as all cultural events were cancelled and young people have lost platforms for communication and training: «Thanks for today, yesterday and Friday it was very nice nice to have been able to join the Camp, I’ve learned a lot both about Breaking and about myself. I’ve felt a lot of love through these meetings and community, I think i really needed it! Thank you! — a participant from Denmark.

The camp was sponsored by Nordic Culture Point within the framework of network development.